

2018-06-04    02'53''

主播: 经典英语朗读

5289 184

Once for a whole day in a temple with burning incense I meditated suddenly I seemed to hear the resonance of your recitation in my ear 那一天 闭目在经殿的香雾中  蓦然听见  你诵经的真言 Once for a whole eve I listened to the soulful chant in relief not for enlightment in quest but to feel your living breath 那一夜 我听了一宿梵唱  不为参悟  只为寻你的一丝气息 Once for a whole month I turned all prayer wheels in earnest not for repenting sins but to touch your fingerprints 那一月 我转过所有经轮  不为超度  只为触摸你的指纹   Once for a whole year on all flours to dust I came near not for worshipping gods but to feel your warmth in love 那一年 我磕长头拥抱尘埃  不为朝佛  只为贴着了你的温暖 Once for a whole life I journeyed through ten thousand spires not for rebirth to complete but to meet you in destiny 那一世 我翻遍十万大山  不为修来世  只为路中能与你相遇   Once in a split second I may ascend as a spirit not for eternity but to bless with joy and security 那一瞬 我飞升成仙  不为长生  只为佑你平安喜乐