

2018-12-06    04'41''

主播: 经典英语朗读

22549 336

说好永远的,不知怎么就散了。最后自己想来想去竟然也搞不清当初是什么原因分开彼此的。然后,你忽然醒悟,感情原来是这么脆弱的。经得起风雨,却经不起平凡;本来风雨同舟,天晴便各自散了。也许只是赌气,也许只是因为小小的事,幻想着和好的甜蜜……没想到的是,一别竟是一辈子。 ——张爱玲 It has been several months since we broke up. 我们已经分手几个月了。 Then out of the ordinary, you asked me if we could get back together. 出人意料地,你问我我们是否还能重新在一起。 I looked at you with sorrowful eyes. 我看向你悲伤的双眸。 When I suddenly felt a mix of love, longing, and confusion. 爱、渴望与困惑的情绪混杂在一起油然而生。 I began to wonder if we could still work things out. 我不知道我们是否还能继续。 I imagined multiple scenarios. 我想象很多的场景。 I could forget why we broke each other's hearts. 我也许会忘记我们当初为何要伤彼此的心。 But with all honesty, there are moments where I miss you like crazy. 但诚实地说,在某些时刻,我疯狂地思念你。 When the longing knocks on my door, I can almost hear your laughter. 我渴望你敲响我的门,好像我都能听到门外你的笑声。 As I welcome myself into the warmth of your embrace. 我想念你温暖的怀抱。 I would brush my fingers across your hair. 我的手指梳理你的头发。 Whisper every word behind your ear. 我在你的耳边低语。 I would act as if you never left. 我会表现得好像你从未离开过。 If it were that simple, I would run back to you in a heartbeat. 如果一切真的如此简单,我想马上跑向你。 But in reality, things are much more difficult. 但事实上,事情要难多了。 So I guess we can no longer go back to the way we were. 所以我想我们没办法回到以前的样子了。 Believe me, I will always love you. 相信我,我会永远爱着你。 You were a greatly significant part of my life. 你是我生命中重要的一部分。 Yet our situation is now beyond repair. 虽然我们的关系无法修复如初。 But I am also sorry for all the hurt I've caused you. 我也为我当时伤害你而抱歉。 Truth be told, I did love you. 说实话,我曾爱过你。 Yet some things are better kept far apart. 但有时保持距离也许会更美好。 I am sorry. I sincerely apologize. 对不起。我真诚地道歉。 Though I still love you, we cannot get back together. 即使我仍然爱你,但我们没办法回头了。 BGM:《月色思念》(钢琴与萧)