

2019-07-25    01'45''

主播: 经典英语朗读

17452 186

For friends I haven’t met for many years, I find that they have all changed in some features. 好多年没有见面的朋友,再见面时,觉得他们都有一点不同了。 Some have got sad eyes, some have cruel corners of the mouth, some have happy smiles on their faces, and some have looks of going through many hardships. 有人有了一双悲伤的眼睛,有人有了冷酷的嘴角,有人是一脸的喜悦,有人却一脸风霜; It seems that those great changes of more than ten years they didn’t share with me are indistinguishably written on their faces. 好像十几年没能与我的朋友们共度的沧桑,都隐隐约约地写在他们的脸上了。 It turns out that ages have not really elapsed, they just disappeared in front of us and hidden in our heart, then they slowly change our appearances day by day. 原来岁月并不是真的逝去,它只是从我们的眼前消失,却转过来躲在我们的心里,然后再慢慢地来改变我们的容貌。 席慕蓉《透明的哀伤》(节选) 背景音乐:钢琴《燕归巢》