余生只做三件事:Live, love, laugh

余生只做三件事:Live, love, laugh

2019-10-23    02'47''

主播: 经典英语朗读

25655 276

“生活不可能像你想象得那么好,但也不会像你想象得那么糟,其实人的脆弱和坚强都超乎自己的想象。有时,可能脆弱得一句话就泪流满面。有时,竟发现自己咬着牙走了很长的路。” ——莫泊桑《一生》 Life is crazy And totally unpredictable It's going to push you over Kick you while you're down And hit you when you try to get back up 生活时而疯狂 全然猝不及防 让你受尽磨难 继以拳脚相加 当你倔强爬起 它又上来补刀 Not everything can beat you Things are going to change you But you get to choose which ones you let change you 凡事未必打败你 凡事皆能改变你 凡事终将塑造你 终究取决于自己 Listen to your heart Follow your dreams And let no one tell you what you're capable of 听从内心的声音 追寻梦想的脚步 勿轻信他人的话 你究竟能做什么 Push the limits Bend the rules And enjoy every minute of it 挑战极限 冲破局限 享受活着的每一刻 Laugh at everything Live for as long as you can Love all But trust no one 看开一点 活久一点 爱这个世界 不轻信任何人 Believe in yourself And never lose faith in others Settle for nothing but only the best And give 110% in everything you do 相信自己 也别对他人失望 凡事认真做到最好 付出110%的努力 Take risks Live on the edge Yet stay safe And cherish every moment of it 勇于冒险 绝地求生 平安活着 珍惜光阴 Life is a gift Appreciate all the rewards And jump on every opportunity Not everyone's going to love you But who needs them anyway 生活是一份礼物 感恩每一次赠予 把握每一次机会 懂得并不是每个人都会爱你 也懂得没必要让每个人都爱你 Challenge everything And fight for what you believe Back down to nothing But give in to the little things in life After all, that is what makes you 敢于挑战一切 敢于坚持信念 不被任何事击退 不计较微小得失 正是这一切 造就了今天的你 Forget the unnecessary But remember everything Bring it with you everywhere you go Learn something new And appreciate criticism 忘记不必要的 记住该记住的 不论走到哪里 不能忘记初心 要保持学习 要接受批评 Hate nothing But dislike what you want Never forget where you came from And always remember where you are going 不仇恨 也不逼自己去喜欢 不忘记从哪里来 也不忘记该往哪去 Live life to its fullest And have a reason for everything Even if it's totally insane Find your purpose in life And live it 活到极致 保持理智 纵使生活蛮不讲理 也要找到活着的目的 然后过好这一生 BGM:《夜的钢琴曲》第五章