

2020-05-12    01'01''

主播: 经典英语朗读

11452 111

Bloody men are like bloody buses 糟糕的男人就像糟糕的公交车, You wait for about a year 你等了大约一年的时间, And as soon as one approaches your stop 而当一辆靠近你的车站, Two or three others appear. 其他两三辆也随之出现。 You look at them flashing their indicators, 你看着它们闪烁的指示灯, Offering you a ride. 邀请你搭乘同行, You’re trying to read the destinations, 竭力辨认着那些终点站, You haven’t much time to decide. 没有多少时间思考决定。 If you make a mistake, there is no turning back... 如果你搭错车,就无法回头。 Jump off, and you’ll stand and gaze 一旦跳下车,站在那里继续发呆。 While the cars and the taxis and lorries go by 轿车,出租车,卡车川流不息, And the minutes, the hours, the days.... 分秒,时间,岁月,匆匆逝去…. ———温迪·柯普(Wendy Cope) BGM:钢琴《可惜没如果》