

2020-05-17    02'32''

主播: 经典英语朗读

14834 142

You'll meet many guys on your path to finding the one who's right for you, but you should avoid a few types at all cost. They might start out as perfectly decent men while they're trying to get your attention, but once they show their true colors, you may want to head for the hills. 在邂逅白马王子之前,你必定会遇到其他人。而有些人,你无论如何都得躲开。这些人起初为了吸引你可能会风度翩翩,然而日久现原形后,你恨不能逃之夭夭。 (以下是最糟糕的几种极品渣男。)   The lazy slob 懒惰邋遢型渣男 This guy may charm you at first with his ambitions and list of projects that he plans, but that will get old fast,once you notice that all he ever seems to do is play video games and order takeout. If he never has anything new to report in terms of job hunting or physical activity or any kind, and he always has stains on his clothing, move on or risk becoming his mother.  一开始你可能会被这种男人的雄心壮志和伟大计划所倾倒,但很快你会发现这些只是他的老生常谈,他平日里不是打游戏就是叫外卖。如果一个男人在求职或健身方面没有任何进展,衣服上又总是污迹斑斑的话,你要么甘心做他老妈,要么还是一刀两断吧。   The big kid 妈宝型渣男 Some guys never seem to grow up. As charming as they seem at first, dating someone who is immature can be frustrating. All he wants to do is have fun, but when you settle down and move in together, he'll never want to talk about "boring" things like finances, rent and chores. If you're looking for long-term love, the big kid is not your go-to guy. 有些人好像永远都长不大。他们第一眼看上去或许还不错,但跟不成熟的男人相处真的很伤神。这种男人只想寻开心,但如果你俩住到一起打算认真发展的话,他从不愿意跟你谈开销、房租、家务这种“无聊”的事情。如果你想寻觅一段长久稳固的爱情,这种“大男孩”绝对不是良配。 The mooch 揩油型渣男 This is the guy who never seems to go anywhere with his wallet after he takes you out once or twice. Whether you're taking in a movie, going out for dinner or just grabbing a slice of pizza, he will always plead poor and ask you to pay. If you're with a guy who never has any money or just has an aversion to spending his own,get out while you can - or at least before you go broke. 这种人跟你见面一两次后就再也不会带钱包。你们一起看电影也好、吃饭也罢,甚至只是叫块披萨,他都会跟你哭穷让你付钱。要是你遇到的人一穷二白或只想跟着你吃白食,还是尽快抽身而出吧——至少别等到自个儿破产。 BGM:钢琴《你来的一天》