毕业特辑—你我终将走向远方 Faded Away

毕业特辑—你我终将走向远方 Faded Away

2017-06-18    03'30''

主播: Cloud Ray

220 13

Faded You were the shadow to my light 你曾是我光鲜背后的影子,让我魂牵梦萦 Did you feel us 你还能感觉到彼此的温存吗 Another start 想要重新开始 You fade away 可你已触不可及 Afraid our aim is out of sight 害怕我们的目标渐行渐远 Wanna see us 却想要亲眼见证我们 Alive 鲜衣怒马 Where are you now 你身在何方 Where are you now 我想找到你 Where are you now 你无迹可寻 Was it all in my fantasy 这一切难道都只是我的美好幻想 Where are you now 我还能找到你吗 Were you only imaginary 难道你只是一个幻想 Where are you now 此刻你在哪儿 Atlantis 难道你像亚特兰蒂斯一样 Under the sea 已沉入海底 Under the sea 在传说之地 Where are you now 你究竟在哪儿 Another dream 难道只是黄粱之梦 The monster is running wild inside of me 悸动的猛兽在我内心徘徊追忆 I'm faded 我的生活逐渐失去了色彩 I'm faded 失去了意义 So lost I'm faded 迷失了方向,日渐凋零 I'm faded 失落无助 So lost I'm faded 黯然失措 These shallow waters never met what I needed 这镜花水月的虚无从不是我想要的 I'm letting go 我会顺其自然 A deeper dive 随之肆意沉淀 Eternal silence of the sea 无尽的沉默于深海 I'm breathing 呼吸着 Alive 残存的思念 Where are you now 你在哪里 Where are you now 你在何方 Under the bright but faded lights 在耀眼却苍白的灯光下 You set my heart on fire 你将我心点燃,饱受煎熬 Where are you now 你在哪里 Where are you now 是否还能相遇 Another dream 还是南柯一梦 Where are you now 你在哪里 Atlantis 是否如传说之地 Under the sea 已沉入海底 Under the sea 杳无音讯 Where are you now 你在哪里 Another dream 是否只是另一个虚梦 The monster is running wild inside of me 失控的猛兽在我内心不停追寻 I'm faded 迷失了自我 I'm faded 失去了动力 So lost I'm faded 如此迷惘,竭尽全力 I'm faded 我已乏力 So lost I'm faded 错失方向,眷念永存