Caillou's Hiding Place(附原文)

Caillou's Hiding Place(附原文)

2016-02-26    03'15''

主播: Boven

82 5

It’s all story with caillou’s mommy and daddy went away for few days. Caillou and rosise will stay with his grandma and grandpa. Gpa: caillou, where are you? Are you in here? I can’t see you anywhere. Gma: maybe he is hiding. Look again. Gpa: well, now. what have we here? It looks like caillou. C: grandpa, grandpa. GPa: what are you doing in there? C: I’m~~~stuck! Gpa: I can just move this box and grab this thing, and now if I can hold this thing. C: grandpa! Gpa: what are you doing here, Caillou? C: hiding in a hiding place! GPa: hiding in a hiding place, Say! That’s reminds me of something. Caillou wondered why was grandpa going to take him? Gpa: can you keep it a secret caillou. C: yes, grandpa! Gpa: well, I know what is a special hiding place, In the garden. Would you like to see it? I’m sure this is the hide tree. One of this wasn’t on the other side, must be on this side. C: wow!~ Gpa: go on in, have a look. Well, how is it! C: it’s the best special hiding place in the world, grandpa. Thank you grandpa. Gpa: why do you keep it flashing. C: wow! Can i? Gma: time to sleep, caillou. I’ll be there in a minute. R: caillou, caillou, caillou~~~!!! C: no, you can’t come with me. This was cailou special hiding place. He didn’t want anyone else to know about it. C: wow. Gpa: caillou, are you in there? You’re better coming to the house. Your daddy will be here to pick you up, soon. Gpa: Well, well, I just don’t belive it. D: What is it? Well, believe it or not, caillou. That’s the toy belong to me when I was a little boy just like you. Gpa: and when I was a daddy just like your daddy. D: you must just find the hiding place. But it’is your hiding place now. C: yea!