Caillou's Rainy Day(附原文)

Caillou's Rainy Day(附原文)

2016-02-28    02'52''

主播: Boven

138 9

M: we are going to run a few Irons together. Without that rain outside we have to dress up to keep dry. C: ahha! We can jump in all the paddles. Ah, oh! This feels funny. M: here, let me help you. C: It’s okay. I wanna do it. Awful! I did it. M: great! Need help you some buttons. Let’s go! But Caillou has forgotten something very important. C: Mommy, M: Yes, here. C: I have to go to the bathroom. M: I’ll wait you here. Caillou rushed out to the bathroom. On his way there, something caught his attention. C: you, wach outW D: caillou, caillou, caillou! C: Daddy, D: what are you doing here? C: I~~ah~~~I want~` going to the bathroom. Oh, no, I’ve got go now. I really have to go. C: daddy, you. I am an airplane D: may I see your airplane, please? Let’s land your airplane back in the airport okay? It will still here when you come back. And have you forgotten about your mommy? C: mommy, I forgot. Did mommy wait for me? Caillou came back quickly to meet his mommy. But when he got there, she was putting away the raincoat. C: mommy, I’m here. Aren’t we going anymore? M: oh, no. we are still going. But look~!!! The sun was shining. So, Caillou and his mommy didn’t need raincoats. But there were still plenty of paddles C: this one first and this one goes in here. Mommy, I think you forgot something. C: yeah, paddle. Look! Mommy. M: I hope you having fun but we have to run irons now M: you know what we can do now. We can leaves tracks on the way to the store. Look!