Caillou's Summer Goodnight (附原文)

Caillou's Summer Goodnight (附原文)

2016-03-08    03'03''

主播: Boven

141 8

Caillou: When is she coming? Mommy: She'll be here any minute. Caillou: Come in, Grandma. Grandma: I can't fit. Caillou: Grandma, you're too big. Storyteller: Grandma was Caillou and Rosie's favorite babysitter in the whole world. Grandma: Hi, kids. What have you got there, Rosie? Storyteller: After Mommy and Daddy left, Grandma played games with Caillou and Rosie. And then it was bedtime. While Grandma read Rosie a story and put her to sleep, Caillou washed his face and brushed his teeth. Then he went to bed and waited for Grandma to come and read him a story. Caillou: Grandma. Grandma: Once upon a time... Storyteller: While Grandma was reading the story, Caillou got sleepier and sleepier. Grandma: Night-night. Caillou: Gilbert. Grandma: Caillou was wide awake again. And he couldn't get back to sleep, no matter what he did. He tried rearranging his pillow, but that didn't help. It was summer and it was still daylight outside. How could Caillou sleep when his room was so bright? Sleeping the wrong way round didn't work. Caillou really couldn't sleep and now he was feeling quite cranky. Grandma: Caillou, you're all mixed up. Your head is where your feet should be. Caillou: Grandma, I can't sleep. Grandma: Well, I'm not surprised. It's too bright in here. And I can see why. You don't have any curtains. Where are they? Oh yes, I remember. Your Mommy took them to the cleaners. I have an idea. Storyteller: Caillou was very curious about Grandma's idea. Granma: There you are, Caillou. A night sky. Now you'll be able to sleep. Caillou: Thank you, Grandma. Grandma: But if it's a night sky... I think something's missing, don't you? Ready, Caillou? Storyteller: Caillou's night sky was so beautiful and dreamy that he fell asleep very quickly.