Caillou's getting older (附原文)

Caillou's getting older (附原文)

2016-03-17    02'59''

主播: Boven

199 11

Caillou and his daddy were walking in the garden one day. When suddenly~~~ Caillou: Daddy, look! Daddy: What is it? Caillou: Is it dead, Daddy? Daddy: Ah, yes! I think we should bury it, don’t you? Caillou: Why did the bird die, Daddy? Daddy: Well, now. That’s rather a big question, Caillou. Storyteller: Caillou didn’t think of such a question. Daddy: Well, probably it died because it’s got too old. Caillou: Too old? Daddy: Aha! It’s dead because it was too old. Storyteller: Caillou couldn’t wait to be older. He wanted to be a big boy. But it was the first time he ever thought about being too old. Caillou: Why are you doing that, Daddy? Daddy: I can’t see like when I used to.I think I need glasses. Daddy: Boy, I must be getting really old. Storyteller: When Caillou heard that, he remembered what his Daddy has said about the bird’s dying: Because it’s too old. Mommy: Just look at Rosie, she’s eating all by herself. You really are growing up and getting older, aren’t you, Rosie? Caillou: Wow! Sara: Hi, Caillou! Do you like men’s in-line skates? Caillou: Yes! Sara: They were a birthday present. Caillou: A birthday present? Sara: Yes, I’m a whole year old now. Storyteller: Caillou was very upset. Daddy: Wow, you are a big boy now! And you are getting bigger and older everyday. Caillou: I don’t want to be older. Mommy: Why not? Caillou: You said Rosie is getting older. And you said you are getting older. And Sara said she is getting older. And you said the little bird died because it was too old. Daddy: Ah, the little bird! I see. Storyteller: Caillou whispered to his daddy but he’s afraid of getting older and dying. Daddy: I understand, Caillou. Listen! You have lots of, lots of, lots of time to get bigger and older. So you really don’t need to worry about now. I promise! Ok? Caillou: Ok, daddy! Daddy: Which one is the oldest, do you think? Daddy: And which one is the youngest? Mommy: So the dinosaur must be one of the middle. Caillou: Yes! Daddy: Teddy is the oldest. Caillou: Yes! Daddy: And he has lots of, lots of, lots of time to get older too, doesn’t it? Caillou: Just like me! Daddy: Yes, just like you.
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