Chapter 6 Here comes a bear!

Chapter 6 Here comes a bear!

2020-02-12    04'00''

主播: 心妞妞

464 1

台词: "Today is such an unlucky day," I say to myself. Frosty and I have seen none like it. Am I awake or am I dreaming? But I know it's all real. "Unlucky?" says Frosty, "here's the strange part: I heard the name—Mr. Gamer—again when we were inside the restaurant. Who is Mr. Gamer? Does he have anything to do with the accidents?" I can't describe my feelings now; the horror suddenly hits me! Frosty keeps her cool. She says, "We had better go home now on foot instead of by bus or something else. I don't want anything to happen to the bus." I quickly take out my mobile phone and turn on an online map. It easily finds our position. It's 1 P. M. Following the online map, we leave the square, go along Hotel Street, pass through some street turnings and walk several blocks. The map then leads us somewhere on the outside of town. No one comes here. It's a big dry field of tall grass. Many solid rocks are lying in the grass. The map shows we need to cross the field in order to reach home on the other side. We don't have any other choice right now. Frosty and I walk into the field. Bees are flying in the air. Frosty points to a big black spider, which is hiding beside a stone. I dislike spiders. I have heard reports that spider bites sometimes caused people to be blind or deaf in Africa, especially in the Sahara. "It would be enjoyable to see deer, giraffes and alike. I hope there are no snakes and wolves here," I say. "Wolves have a habit of being up at night. Because of this, I don't think we will see a wolf as long as we finish crossing the field before it gets dark," says Frosty. I ring up Mum and tell her that it may take us up to an hour to get home. Mum says she'll be waiting for us at home. We keep walking. Although we are following the map, we seem to get lost in the open air… Then here comes a bear! The bear appears, coming out of the tall grass about 500 metres away. Frosty and I are so afraid. We don't dare to move. It is too late to run or hide, and we are in great danger. Frosty quickly lies flat on the ground and says, "Dead." What? Then I realize what she meant. Frosty wanted me to act dead, just as what she was doing. I hurry up, lying face down on the ground. The phone falls out of my hands into the grass. The bear comes. It jumps on top of my back twice. Its mouth is 10 mm away from my face. I feel its hot breath and long nails. Half a ton weight is on my back. My lungs hurt and I can't breathe. The bear is then trying to turn me over. At the moment, my phone is ringing on the ground. The bear stops, moves closer to the phone and gets interested in it. I guess Mum was calling me, which might save us. Ten minutes later, the lazy bear finally leaves us alone and walks away.