Chapter 7 Follow the North Star

Chapter 7 Follow the North Star

2020-02-23    02'46''

主播: 心妞妞

445 4

台词:(含中文) Frosty and I lie on the ground without moving for some time. The bear is probably standing nearby and still watching us. The last sunshine of the day has gone. Daytime slowly turns into evening. We wait until the moon is on the edge of the autumn sky. Frosty touches my elbow. I know what she means. We slowly stand up from the ground. I spit out some ants that got into my mouth. 我和霜妹一动不动的躺在地上, 熊可能还在附近看着我们。余晖散尽,秋夜漫漫降临。我们静静等待着,等了很长时间,月亮已挂上天边。霜妹推了推我的胳膊,我明白她的用意。我们慢慢从地上站起身来,我将爬进我嘴巴里的一些蚂蚁吐了出来。 Are we really on our way home? Frosty falls into deep thought… 我们真的是在回家的路上吗?霜妹陷入了沉思…… All kinds of strange things have taken place in a row ever since we left home this morning. There seems to be bad luck wherever we go. It seems that we're being followed! During our stay at the cafe, the waiter suddenly changed his manner after Rusty used the phone to call Mum. Then the plane crash happened. Now the phone is giving us another trouble. Its online map should be able to point in the correct direction, but it has led us to a dangerous place. 自从清晨离开家门,就接二连三地发生了各种各样的怪事。似乎不管我们走到哪里?厄运就跟到哪里。好像我们被跟踪了!我们在小餐馆吃饭时,锈孩用手机给妈妈打了个电话,服务员的态度便突然转变,然后便发生了飞机撞毁事件;现在,手机又给我们添了另外的麻烦。在线地图本该指引正确的方向,但它却将我们带入一个危险地带。 I pick up my phone from the ground, trying to call up Mum again. 我捡起地上的手机,准备再给妈妈打个电话。 "Hold on, Rusty! I think someone has been trying to kill us. He can sense us whenever you use the phone," Frosty suddenly says to me. Then she grabs the phone and throws it far away. "No more phone from now on," says Frosty. “等等,锈孩!我觉得有人要杀我们。不管什么时候,只要你用手机,他就能感应到我们。”霜妹突然对我说道。她一把夺过手机,把它扔的远远的。“从现在开始,不要再用手机了,”霜妹说道。 I'm surprised. We're getting lost and a phone can connect us to helpers. Although I know the old saying: "Follow your heart," I just hope she made a wise decision. 我很惊讶。我们迷了路,有手机的话,我们可以联系别人来帮助我们。虽然我也知道古语有云:“听从你内心的声音”,我仅仅希望霜妹刚刚做的决定是明智的。 A strong wind blows away clouds across the peaceful sky. The stars shine brightly tonight. Frosty is good at knowing the positions of stars in the night sky. She looks up at the wide sky and finds the North Star, the magic star that can give us direction. We make a wish, follow the North Star and walk in one direction. Luckily, in this way, we find our way out of the area without seeing the bear again. 天空一片宁静祥和。一阵大风吹过,将漂浮在半空之中的云朵一扫而空。今夜星光闪耀。霜妹擅长观察夜空中星星的位置,她仰起头看着无边无际的夜空,找到了北极星——那颗能指引方向的魔星。我们许了个愿,便跟着北极星的指引朝一个方向走去。幸运的是,我们用这种方法走出了这片旷野,没有再次遇见那头大熊。 Then I feel a certain voice is trying to communicate with me in my mind. "Who are you talking with?" asks Frosty. 突然之间,我感觉到大脑里某个声音想和我交流。“你在和谁说话呢?”霜妹问道。