Chapter11 A shooting star

Chapter11 A shooting star

2020-04-26    04'08''

主播: 心妞妞

413 0

中英文台词: Watching the beautiful scenery going by, we relax and enjoy the ride. At times I see a worried look on Frosty's face. By the time we arrive in our town, it is 2 p. m. Monday afternoon. The tractor slows down and stops along the road. We say goodbye to the farmer. He then continues to drive towards the Farmers Market. 看着沿途美丽的景色,我们放松下来,享受着这趟行程。有时,我看到霜妹面露忧色。我们到达小镇时已是周一下午两点了。拖拉机减速行驶,在路边停了下来。我们和农夫道了别,他便继续往农贸市场开去。 Home is always and forever the sweetest place in the world. Frosty and I have been looking forward to returning to the warmth of our home. When we walk into our house, Woof jumps off the sofa, shakes his curly tail and kisses our faces. Our dear mother has been waiting. She is so happy to see us back home. 家永远是世界上最温馨的地方,我和霜妹一直期待着重回温暖的家中。我们走进屋内,旺旺从沙发上跳了下来,摇摆着它那卷毛尾巴,凑过来亲亲我们的脸。我们亲爱的妈妈一直在等着我们,看到我们平安归来,她很是开心。 Frosty and I smell like a barn. Mum asks us to take off our dirty shoes and socks and bathe with soap. Frosty and I take turns taking a shower. I find that my shorts, stockings and underwear are all neatly folded in the wardrobe. There is no dust on the shelves. It must be Mum who has cleaned up my room, I think. 我和霜妹身上散发着一股牲口棚的味道。妈妈让我们脱下脏鞋脏袜子,用肥皂好好洗个澡,我和霜妹便轮流去冲澡。我发现我的短裤、袜子、内衣都整整齐齐的叠好,放在衣柜里,架子上也一尘不染。我猜一定是妈妈帮我打扫了房间。 I got hit in my left knee when the bear jumped on my back last night. I put a bandage around the broken skin, get dressed and join Mum and Frosty in the kitchen. Feeling quite thirsty, I peel some fruits, cut in half and mix them together in a blender along with the water. Frosty is cutting up onions, helping Mum make pancakes. At the same time, Frosty and I tell Mum about the strange experiences that have happened since Sunday. 昨晚,熊跳上我的后背,我的左膝盖因此受了点伤。我往皮肤擦伤处缠了绷带,换了身衣服,便去厨房找妈妈和霜妹。我很渴,便剥了些水果,切成两半,加上水倒进了榨汁机。霜妹正在切洋葱,帮妈妈做薄煎饼。趁这期间,我和霜妹将周日以来经历的种种怪事都告诉了妈妈。 The train crash, the plane hit, and the bear attack… No matter how brave we were, those were the most terrible moments in our lives. Mum is quiet, listening to us. She mixes the onions with wheat flour, adds some vegetable oil and fries them in a pan. The pancakes are crispy and delicious, but Mum's heart becomes heavy. She is thinking the same thing as what we have in mind: someone has been trying to kill us. 火车相撞、飞机坠毁、大熊攻击……不管我们当时多么勇敢,这也会是我们一生中最为可怕的时刻。妈妈静静地听着,一言不发。她将洋葱与小麦面粉和在一起,加了点植物油,放进平底锅里煎了起来。薄煎饼酥脆可口,但妈妈的心情却变得十分沉重。她和我们一样,也在思考着那件事:有人想杀我们 Mum then starts to prepare supper early. She puts potatoes in the oven. She pours peas into a clay cooking pot and puts a lid on it. Mum is making pea soup, which is one of our favourite foods. 然后,妈妈便早早地开始准备晚饭。她将土豆放进烤箱,将碗豆倒进粘土锅,盖上锅盖。妈妈是在做碗豆汤,这是我们最爱的食物之一。 In late autumn, days grow shorter. It's getting dark quickly. Mum lights some candles. Frosty stands next to the window, listening to the sounds of insects. It's a lively evening. 晚秋时节,白昼越来越短,天很快就黑了,妈妈点起蜡烛。霜妹靠窗站着,听着昆虫叽叽喳喳的叫声。这个夜晚生机勃勃。 “A shooting star!”Frosty says as she points to a star that is flying across the deep blue night sky. “流星!”一颗流星划过深蓝色夜空,霜妹指着流星说道。 “I seldom saw a shooting star.A lot of people regard it as a passing angel,” I say. Then I quickly make a single wish. I wish the angel can give us protection. “我很少看到流星。很多人都把流星看作是路过的天使。”我说。我迅速许了个愿,祈求天使守护我们。 “The night of your birth as I remember a shooting star shone brightly in the sky,” Mum says, looking at Frosty. "A shooting star can mean that something special will happen soon." "我记得你出生那晚,空中有颗流星闪闪发亮,"妈妈边说边看着霜妹,“有流星经过,可能很快就会有特别的事情发生。”