Chapter13 It is my pal, Tommy!

Chapter13 It is my pal, Tommy!

2020-05-24    02'52''

主播: 心妞妞

488 4

中英文台词: The next morning we're up early. Mum calls her friend for help. Ten minutes later he calls back and tells us that those tickets were paid in paper bills instead of using any bank credit card on September 8. It's hard to know who bought the tickets. However, his relative found the store location where the tickets were sold. 第二天,我们早早起床了。妈妈给朋友打电话寻求帮助。十分钟之后,他回了电话,告诉我们票是9月8日买的,但购票人未用任何银行信用卡支付,而是用纸币进行了支付。因此,很难确定购票人的身份,但他的亲戚找到了售票点的店铺地址。 It is a bookshop that sits across the street from our schoolyard. While selling books, the bookshop also acts as an agent and provides ticketing services to others, such as railways, opera theatres, and so on. I often hang out there. A 99 Cents store is next to the bookshop. It has the best-selling ice-creams in town. 那是一家书店,坐落在我们学校校园对面的街道上。书店不仅售卖各式各样的书,还进行票务代理,向他人提供火车票,剧院票等订票服务。闲来没事我常去那儿逛逛。书店旁有家99美分小店,可以买到镇上最畅销的冰淇淋。 We decide to check out that place right away. It's a misty morning. The outdoor temperature is much lower than expected. It seems that the weather has turned suddenly much colder overnight. I turn on my flashlights and the white light pierces through the thick autumn fog. We start walking towards the bookshop. 我们决定立刻去书店看看。早晨天空雾蒙蒙的,室外气温远比预期要低,似乎一夜之间气温大幅下降。我打开手电筒,一束白光瞬间刺破浓浓的秋雾,我们出发往书店走去。 It is still early in the morning. There are no customers yet in the bookshop. In the check-out area, a blonde salesgirl drink her milk shake while listening to old folk songs on the radio. She wears big earrings. 现在时间还早,书店还没有顾客。一位金发碧眼的售货小姐正在收银台里一边喝着奶昔,一边听着广播里播放的古典民谣。她戴着大耳环。 “Can I help you?” the salesgirl looks at my mother and asks. "有什么需要帮助的吗?"她看着我妈妈问道。 “We wonder if it is possible to know who bought train tickets here on September 8. We would be grateful for your help, ”says Frosty. “不知能不能查到9月8日那天是谁在这买了火车票?如果你能帮助查询,我们感激不尽”霜妹说道。 The salesgirl pauses for a moment and then says, "No, I won't help you unless you have the same family name as mine. See you! Have a good day!" 售货小姐停顿了片刻说道:“抱歉,除非你们和我有相同的姓氏,不然我是不会帮你们的。再见!祝今天过得愉快!” “Looks like we're not welcome,” I complain while making a face. "似乎我们不受欢迎"我一边抱怨着一边做了个鬼脸 "All right, I was just playing a joke on you," the girl says, smiling. "I will go out of my way to help you. We can check videos from the store's security camera." "好吧,我只是在和你们开玩笑呢"女孩笑着说道,"我会尽力帮你们查查。我们可以看看商店监控摄像头的录像。" A schoolboy showed up, asking questions about a train ticket. I watch in disbelief as the video continues playing. I am shocked. It is my pal , Tommy! 录像中出现了一名男学生,他问了些火车票相关的问题。录像继续播放着,我难以置信地看着屏幕,感到惊愕不已。那是我的伙伴,汤米!