Chapter 5 The Silk Road

Chapter 5 The Silk Road

2022-11-08    03'47''

主播: 心妞妞

415 2

中英文台词: It is the year 1343… 现在是1343年…… "Where are we?" Frosty asks, feeling dizzy but her hand still holding the suitcase. “我们这是在哪?”霜妹问道。她觉得晕乎乎的,手上还握着手提箱。 "We are not at the North Pole or in the Antarctic area, for sure." Feeling so hot and thirsty, I grab a water container and swallow a huge mouthful of water. "Looks like we are crossing a vast desert," I say. “我敢肯定这不是北极,也不是南极。”我又热又渴,随手拿起水壶,咕咚咕咚地喝了一大口水。“我们好像在穿越一片大沙漠。”我说。 We find ourselves wandering with a group of merchants in a dusty sandstorm. Our travel companions don't look like Westerners. Most of them are of stout build. The men have heavy moustaches. They probably haven't shaved their beards in months. Their camels carry a lot of trade goods such as silks, clothing, furs, and silver products. 我们发现自己正和一群商人漫游在铺天盖地的沙尘暴中。同伴们看着不像是西方人。他们大多体格健硕,蓄着浓密的胡子,可能好几个月没刮过了。骆驼驮着各式各样的商品,有丝绸,衣物,皮毛,银制品等等。 "We are on the Silk Road with people of Yuan Dynasty," Frosty says to me. “这是丝绸之路,他们都是元朝人”霜妹告诉我说。 As we walk down the road, late dusk turns into night. The group sets up tents, and they have a meal and go to sleep. In the middle of the night, Frosty wakes me up. "Watch out for that person," she whispers to me, "there is a man right outside the tents!" 我们一直往前赶路,夜幕慢慢降临。大家搭起帐篷,吃完饭后便睡觉了。半夜,霜妹叫醒了我。"当心那个人。"她轻声说道,"帐篷外有个人!" I look outside. I see a man slowly approaching the tents. He wears a long dark overcoat with a large cap, which makes it hard to see his face clearly. But he seems to have a strange appearance, especially his eyes, which have deep blank holes with nothing attached. 我向外看去,看到一个人影慢慢靠近帐篷。他穿着一件黑色长大衣,大衣连着一顶大帽子,让人很难看清他的脸。他的长相似乎非常奇特,眼睛就更是奇怪了——眼窝深陷,里面空无一物。 He pauses in front of a tent, taking a quick glance. Without moving his jaw, he speaks with an unusual voice, which sounds like a curse from a creature that doesn't belong to the earth. Behaving strangely, he lets loose a hairy black mouse to the ground from his sleeves. There is nothing that scares me more than the mice! The man then fades into the darkness… 他在一顶帐篷钱停下脚步,迅速扫视了一眼。他嘴巴一动没动,却发出了一种奇怪的声音,听着像是外星人的诅咒。他从袖口里放出了一只毛茸茸的黑老鼠,举止极其诡异。我最怕老鼠了!然后那声音便慢慢消失在夜色里…… It is a long journey. The merchants cross the Gobi Desert, pass through Central Asia, and arrive in the Middle East. We stop in Egypt for a break. 这是一段漫长的旅程。商人们穿过戈壁沙漠,越过中亚,来到了中东。我们在埃及停下步伐,稍作休息。 For many generations since the Roman conquest in 30 BC, trade has always been an important aspect of Egyptian civilization. The Silk Road connects not only goods but also people living in far off places. The influence can be seen in a number of centuries-old remains of ancient Egyptian kingdoms that exist across the areas. 自公元前30年罗马征服之后,贸易一直是埃及文明的重要组成部分。丝绸之路不仅将物品流通起来,也将千里之外的人们联系起来。只要一览雄踞在这片土壤上的古埃及王国的百年遗迹,我们便可窥见丝绸之路对其造成的影响。 The black mouse gets hungry. The starved mouse drags its tail, sniffs around, and runs into the ruins of a building filled with garbage, looking for food. Moments later, it hurries back and hides again inside the clothing goods carried by the camel team. 黑鼠饿了。它饥肠辘辘,耷拉着尾巴,四处嗅来嗅去,钻进了堆满垃圾的废墟建筑里寻找食物。没过多久,它就匆匆溜了出来,又钻进了骆驼背上的衣物商品里。 After a short break, the merchants arrive at a bay area, get on a ship, and leave for their final destination. 商人们休息了片刻,便来到了一片海湾地区。大家坐上船,往最终目的地驶去。