Chapter11 When he is a kid

Chapter11 When he is a kid

2023-04-24    04'22''

主播: 心妞妞

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中英文台词: At birth the baby boy was small and very weak. He was not expected to live, but he did. 男婴出生时瘦小虚弱,大家都以为他活不成了,但他却奇迹般地活了下来。 When the child is three, his mother gets married again to a divorced man who has no children by his first marriage. The man is addicted to alcohol who easily gets annoyed. He is hard on the child and often scolds him. The child dislikes the man and his hard feelings remain for a long time. He mother goes to live with her new husband, leaving her son in the care of his grandmother. 他三岁时,妈妈再婚了,对方离异,第一段婚姻未生育过子女。这男人蓄酒成性,动不动就恼羞成怒。他对男孩极为苛刻,责骂更是家常便饭。男孩厌恶这个男人,一直对他心存芥蒂。妈妈搬去和现任丈夫住了,男孩则由他的奶奶照顾。 His grandmother is a considerate person. In winter the average temperature is below zero centigrade here. To keep her grandson warm, she makes thick bedding for the kid. Although his grandma is poor and wears old shabby rags herself, she pays a tailor to sew a warm garment for him, which is made of woolen threads. 奶奶体贴入微。冬天平均气温在0摄氏度以下。为了能让孙子暖和一点,奶奶为他缝制了厚厚的铺盖。奶奶一贫如洗,自己穿得破破烂烂,但她还是请了一位裁缝,为孙子做了一件保暖羊毛衣服。 Unlike most children who enjoy comic strip stories of wild men, such as Bigfoot attacking a jungle gorilla, Yeti hiding a lamb in a cave, or Wild Man of Shennongjia hunting a wild ox, the child seems not interested in them at all. He likes to watch the night sky, and to him, a shooting star is the most fascinating and cheerful thing. 孩子们大都喜欢看野人连环漫画——北美野人袭击热带丛林里的大猩猩,雪人将羊羔藏在洞穴里,神农架野人追捕野牛等等,但这个小男孩却与众不同,他似乎对这些毫无兴趣。他喜欢夜空,在他眼里,没有什么能比一颗飞逝而过的流星更令他着迷,令他欢愉了。 No nursery school or kindergarten for young kids exists at the time. The child doesn't start his school education until he is twelve years old. He goes to a school that teaches Latin, science and mathematics. 当时还没有托儿所,也没有幼儿园。小男孩12岁才开始上学,他在学校学拉丁语、科学、数学。 Being forgetful, the child sometimes has difficulty reciting the Latin alphabet and fails oral dictations. But he's doing very well in arithmetic and other maths subjects. The child consistently impresses his algebra teacher by showing his abilities of solving challenging maths quiz problems without making any errors. With the headmaster's full approval, the teacher advances the gifted child to a higher-grade maths class. 小男孩记忆力不太好,常常记不住拉丁字母表,口头听写也常不及格,但他在算数等数学科目上却表现突出。他天赋异禀,数学测试中一次次地解算出极具挑战力的题目,挑不出任何一丁点错,给他的代数老师留下了极以深刻的印象。在校长的批准下,代数老师破格让这天资聪颖的孩子进入高年级数学班。 The child has now grown into a teenager. When he is sixteen years old, his mother becomes a widow again and moves back into her old house. Before the end of term, his mother forces him to drop out of school, attempting to let him work in a bakery to make loaves of bread or to send him to a haircut shop to learn how to be a barber. She needs money to reduce the burden of family living expenses. Later she changes her mind and decides to make a farmer of him. 孩子慢慢长成了少年。16岁时,他的妈妈再次守寡,搬回了从前住的那间屋子。没等学期结束,妈妈就强迫他辍学,让他要不去面包店学做面包片,要不去理发店学理发。她需要收入来减轻家庭日常开支负担。后来她改变了主意,决定让孩子务农。 The disappointed teenager hates dull farming. He is not willing to work on farms to sow seeds, remove weeds, or harvest grains, which feels like slave labour without freedom. The headmaster, who is also a mathematics educator, later persuades the mother to send her sunburnt teenager back to school. 这位少年倍感失望,他厌恶枯燥乏味的农活。他不乐意在农场上播种、除草、收粮食,觉得自己就像奴隶一样失去了自由。校长也是一位数学教育家,后来在校长的劝说下,妈妈把晒得黝黑的少年送回了学校。 Being an eager learner, the teenager often puts the science books under his pillow before sleeping, and continues his reading the moment he wakes up. Some of his schoolmates call him a bookworm and tease him about his learning habit. 少年求知若渴,他睡觉前常将科学书本放在枕头下,这样一睁开眼便可以继续读书。一些同学给他起了个外号叫"书虫",还常常取笑他的学习习惯。 One day he falls for a fat boy's tricks by sharing his schoolbag with the boy. The boy steals books from a library, which are later found in the schoolbag. The innocent teenager is then accused of theft although it was not his deed. He is punished by the school for his refusal to admit stealing the books. 一天,少年上了一个胖男孩的当,和他共用了自己的书包。胖男孩从图书馆偷了一些书,后来这些书出现在了少年的书包里。虽然此事并非少年所为,但无辜的少年还是被指控行窃。他拒绝承认自己偷了书,因此受到了学校惩罚。 The teenager suspects that the fat boy did this to him. He questions the boy, but they end up in a fist fight on a side road at school. That isn't what is meant to happen. It makes things worse. 少年怀疑一切是胖男孩所为。他便质问胖男孩,结果两人在学校人行道上挥拳相向。事情发展到这种地步并非少年本意,情况反而变得更加糟糕。