

2016-07-15    08'48''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: dependent [dɪ'pendənt] adj. 依赖的 snap at 大声嚷嚷 stimulate ['stɪmjuleɪt] vt. 刺激 pent up adj. 被抑制的 outweigh [ˌaʊt'weɪ] v. 比 ... 重要 It’s really more of a question how long can you live without your phone. Like, if you had your phone number and you could still text people but you couldn't do anything else, could you survive say… 3 days. If no, you’re probably a bit too phone dependent. 这个问题其实就是没有手机你能够正常的生活多久。比如,你的手机只能给别人发发短信,不能做其他的,你能生活3天吗?如果不能,你可能就有过度的手机依赖。 When you’re with other people, you should leave your phone alone. I’ve really snapped at people for that when we’re out and about. 当你和其他人在一起时,你应该放下手机。我真的会很生气如果我们出去玩有人一直在玩手机。 I know that sounds strange but I really think that’s what it is. We CONSTANTLY need to be stimulated with something. No one let’s their brain just sit there and do nothing. I think that means people are looking to use all that pent up energy their brain has. 我知道听起来很奇怪,但我真的觉得这就是原因。我们需要不断被刺激,去思考。没有人愿意脑子放着不用,什么也不做。也就是说人们都在找让脑子膨胀的能量。 Well I sure as hell don’t get lost as much as I used to! I can tell you that. It was a pain in the ass. Sure we probably use phones more than we should and there’s a huge security risk if you’re not careful but I think the benefits of phones far outweigh the cons. 你知道我是一个路痴,我现在不怎么迷路了。可能我们使用手机已经超过了我们需要的那个程度,而且你一不小心还存在安全风险。但我认为手机的好处远远大于坏处。 If I’m on the phone, its usually for work or to look up some information. I don’t do a lot of messaging or social net working and i really don’t like mobile gaming. I guess I’m a pretty old fashioned guy. 一般我使用手机都是在工作或者查看资料。我不会花很多时间在网上社交,而且我真的不喜欢手机游戏。我想我是一个很老土的家伙。 If you’re with friends, get off your damn phone. It’s THAT simple. Then again, if you’re a girl on a date, it’s a great way to tell the guy that you’re not interested in him. 如果你和朋友一起,放下你的手机。就是这么简单。而且,如果你是个正在约会的妹子,这是一个很好的方法(玩手机)让他知道你对他不感兴趣。