

2016-08-07    07'57''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: Whistle [ˈwɪsl]  n. 口哨;汽笛;警笛 Penny[ˈpɛni] n. 便士;【美】分 ———— 《Five hundred miles》 If you miss the train I'm on, 错过了我那班火车的时候 You will know that I am gone, 你将明白我已离开 You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles. 你会听到火车汽笛绵延百里 A hundred miles, a hundred miles, 一百里 又一百里 A hundred miles, A hundred miles, 我们之间已经相去数百里 You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles. 你会听到火车汽笛绵延百里 Lord, I'm one, Lord, I'm two, Lord, 上帝啊 一百里 又一百里 I'm three, Lord, I'm four, Lord, 上帝啊 三四百里就这么过去 I'm five hundred miles away from home. 我已离家五百里 Away from home, away from home, 背井离乡 背井离乡 away from home, away from home, 就这么离开我的家乡 Lord, I'm five hundred miles away from home 上帝啊 我已离家五百里 Not a shirt on my back, 衣衫褴褛 Not a penny to my name. 一文不名 Lord. I can't go back home this-a way. 上帝啊 我这般落魄怎么回家去 This-a way, this-a way, 这样潦倒 这样贫寒 This-a way, this-a way, 这种日子 这样的我 Lord, I can't go back home this-a way. 上帝啊 我这般落魄怎么回家去 If you miss the train I'm on, 错过了我那班火车的时候 You will know that I am gone, 你将明白我已离开 You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles. 你会听到火车汽笛绵延百里 A hundred miles. 一百里 A hundred miles. 一百里 A hundred miles. 一百里 A hundred miles. 一百里 You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles 你会听到火车汽笛绵延百里 You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles 你会看到我的面庞相隔百里 You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles 你会知道我的思念越过百里