

2016-08-10    13'13''

主播: 早安英文

2004 113

「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: nerd [nɜ:rd] n. 书呆子;笨蛋 douche [duʃ] n. 灌注法;灌水法;灌水器 v. 施行灌注法 characters ['kærɪktɚz] n. 人物;角色;特性;字符 superficial [ˌsu:pərˈfɪʃl] adj. 表面的;肤浅的 personality [ˌpɜ:rsəˈnæləti] n.个性;名人;特色 coolness [ˈkulnɪs] n. 冷;凉爽;冷静 hamsters [ˈhæmstɚ] n. 仓鼠 judges [dʒʌdʒ] n. 法官;裁判 v. 断定;判断;审判 Immature [ˌɪməˈtʃʊr] adj. 不成熟的 assuming [əˈsu:m] vt. 假定;设想;承担 —————— It’s always based on opinion but I think these days cool is someone who doesn’t follow the crowd but also doesn't look like a douche while doing it. 对于哪种人比较酷这件事情很大程度上是基于个人观点的。但是我认为就目前来看,能够与众不同,而同时又看起来不像个傻逼的人才是很酷的。 It’s not really about looks these days. Let me give you an example, Bill Murray. Freaking AWESOME! But you wouldn’t think so if you just saw him. You’d think he was just some old guy. 一个人是酷还是书呆子真的不关乎他的外表。我给你举个例子吧。比尔默里,真的非常非常出色。但如果你仅仅看他的外表,你一定不会这样认为,你大概只会把他当作一个长相丑陋的家伙。 I guess if you want to make it really simple, it can be put this simple: there are a lot of thing that make up, if somebody’s cool. But if there is one thing that is not cool, is people that are trying to be cool. 我想如果你要把它想得简单点的话可以这样:其实有很多事情都可以让一个人很酷,但有一件事是不酷的,那就是你试图想变得很酷。 you just trying to be cool, everybody knows that. coolness is not set by trend followers, coolness is set by trend starters. 你只是努力变得酷一点,每个人都知道。但是酷并不是由潮流的追随者确立的,而是由潮流的引领者确立的。 You know what, a lot of times when someone is really cool in high school, they grow up to be losers when they're older. This happens because they think they'll still be cool when they leave high school and enter the real world. 你知道,其实很多时候在高中一些很酷的人,在他们长大之后反而会成为输家。这是因为他们当他们离开高中进入现实世界之后他们还是觉得自己很酷。 I wasn’t alive then. How would I know? I’m assuming that it changed since what was cool when I was a kid most certainly isn’t cool anymore. Have you ever seen what 90s kids wore? 80s fashion? It was damn train wreck. 我那时还没出生,我又怎么会知道呢?不过我猜想,酷的标准最有可能改变,是从那些流行于我的孩童时期的东西变得不再那么酷了开始的。你曾经见过90年代的孩子们穿什么吗?难道还是80年代的潮流风尚吗?噢不,那简直太傻了。