英语小故事 | 忘了一切忘不掉你

英语小故事 | 忘了一切忘不掉你

2016-09-18    04'45''

主播: 早安英文

1409 106

「微信」搜索关注[followmeapp],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: facility [fəˈsɪləti] n. 机构 carol [ˈkærəl] n. 颂歌 squeeze [skwiz] v. 紧捏 alto voice 女低音;男高音 Silent Night 平安夜 in the end stage of Alzheimer’s disease 老年痴呆症晚期患者 原文对照: Ruth was in the end stage of Alzheimer’s disease. She could no longer move nor speak, but she had always loved to sing, her husband said. At the facility’s Christmas party, we sang our favorite carols. When we got to “Silent Night,” Ruth squeezed my hand, smiled, and then began to sing. She sang every word clearly in a beautiful alto voice. When the song finished, she grew silent again, but the smile never left her face. These moments are the reason I go to work every day. Ruth是老年痴呆症晚期患者。她已经不能行动,不会说话了。但她的丈夫说,她以前最喜欢唱歌。在疗养机构的圣诞晚会上,我们唱着最喜欢的颂歌。当我们唱到那首“平安夜”时,Ruth抓住了我的手,微笑,开始跟着唱歌。她用她那美妙的女低音,清晰地唱出了每一个词。当歌曲结束,她又重新安静了下来,只是那笑容还留在脸上。这样的瞬间,就是我每天去疗养院工作的理由。