来学一首治愈系好歌《Better off》

来学一首治愈系好歌《Better off》

2016-09-25    07'37''

主播: 早安英文

2518 155

「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: nail [neɪl] n. 钉子 whisper ['wɪspər] n. 低声说 loneliness [‘ləʊnlinəs] n. 孤独寂寞 curtain calling 落幕 for fact 确实 better off 情况好转 —————— 《Better off》—Lindsey Ray And so the question now you chose to ask 那么说你选择问的问题是 will we be better while we're going “我们将要去的地方会不会更好” and though the answer i don't know for fact 说实在的,虽然我不知道确切的答案 still my heart is saying oh yeah 但我的心却在说着“会的” better off 会更好 we'll be better off 我们会更好 la dadadada dadada 啦哒哒哒哒哒 la dadadada dadada 啦哒哒哒哒哒 better off 会更好 we'll be better off with the stars 我们会过得更好 和星星一起 And so the day may bring a bed of nails 若此白天会带来无尽的烦恼 And the night may whisper loneliness 晚上会低声诉说着寂寞难耐 But in the end we all just leave a stage 其结果在最后一次谢幕后 With one final curtain calling 我们无一例外离开舞台 la dadadada dadada and so the question now you choose to ask 那么说你选择问的问题是 will we be better while we're going “我们将要去的地方会不会更好” and though the answer i don't know for fact 说实在的,虽然我不知道确切的答案 still my heart is saying oh yeah 但我的心却在说着“会的”