美剧推荐 | 艾美奖上的必看神剧

美剧推荐 | 艾美奖上的必看神剧

2016-09-24    03'15''

主播: 早安英文

1074 109

「微信」搜索关注[followmeapp],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: warn [wɔːrn] v. 警告 staff [stæf] n. 全体员工 legacy ['leɡəsi] n. 遗赠物 trip up [trɪp ʌp] 犯错绊倒 crappy ['kræpi] adj. 蹩脚的 tepidly ['tepɪdlɪ] adj. 不冷不热的 series ['sɪriːz] n. 系列 situational [ˌsɪtʃu'eɪʃənl] adj. 环境形成的 Veep 副总统 Former Senator Selina Meyer has accepted the call to serve as Vice President of the United States. The job is nothing like she imagined and everything she was warned about. 'Veep' follows Meyer and her staff as they attempt to make their mark and leave a lasting legacy, without getting tripped up in the day-to-day political games that define Washington. 前参议员 Selina Meyer接受了美国副总统的职位。这份工作跟她想象的完全不一样,却应验了别人告诫她的所有事情。剧中,Meyer和她的团队在白宫的政治游戏中步步惊心,同时努力想做出一番成绩,梦想名垂千古。 It's smart, the dialogue is rich and full. You don't get the crappy, tepidly funny one-liners you get from most comedy series nowadays, you get incredibly intelligent situational humor that really makes you wonder about politics in the US and around the world. 这部剧相当机智,台词丰富饱满。它不像当下很多喜剧那样充斥着蹩脚又做作的段子,而是那种很有智商、恰到好处的幽默。看过之后你真的就会理解很多关于美国甚至世界政治。