英文新闻 | 哈利王子有新女友了哦!

英文新闻 | 哈利王子有新女友了哦!

2016-11-19    03'41''

主播: 早安英文

780 88

「微信」搜索关注[followmeapp],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: rumor ['ruːmə] n.谣言,传闻 vt. 谣传 divorced [dɪ'vɔːrst] adj. 离婚的 biracial [ˌbaɪ'reɪʃl] adj. 两种人种的 tabloid ['tæblɔɪd] n.通俗小报 obsess [əb'ses] v. 使困扰,使着迷 heritage ['herɪtɪdʒ] n. 遗传,传统 Caucasian [kɔː'keɪziən] n. 高加索人,白种人 extensively [ɪk'stensɪvli] adv. 广阔地,广泛地 spur [spɜːr] v. 刺激,鼓励 in question 谈论中的 原文对照: Prince Harry is rumored to have a new girlfriend and not only is she not British (she is American), but she is also divorced (shocking!) and biracial -- and the British tabloids are going absolutely nuts. 据传哈利王子有了一个新女友,她不仅不是英国人(她是美国妞),还曾经离异(震惊脸),并且是个混血儿。英国的各路八卦小报完全炸开锅了。 The woman in question is actress Meghan Markle, best known for her role in the TV show Suits. 这个被谈论的女子是美国演员梅格汗 马克尔。因出演“金装律师”而走红。 British media are obsessing about the relationship -- which hasn't been confirmed by the Kensington Palace or Markle. 英国媒体对这段关系十分入迷,然而肯辛顿宫和马克尔方面都没有出面确认。 Markle's heritage in particular -- her mother is African American and her father is Caucasian, and she has spoken extensively about being biracial -- has spurred the interest of the British tabloids, and some of the results have not been pretty. 马克尔的出身很特别-她的母亲是非洲裔美国人,父亲是高加索人。她经常谈论自己混血的身份,引起了英国八卦小报的兴趣,然而八卦记者们挖出的有些料有些并不是特别好看。