惊呆了!in hot water竟然不是「在热水中」?!

惊呆了!in hot water竟然不是「在热水中」?!

2017-07-05    09'54''

主播: 早安英文

4737 161

「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: in hot water 遇到非常麻烦的问题了,处境困难 have the hots for sb 迷恋某人 hot under the collar 非常生气 hot potato 烫手山芋 —————————————— She's smoking hot. 她很火辣。 Wow, who was that hot hunk you were with? 哇,刚刚和你在一块的那个性感的大块头猛男,是谁啊? Joe is really in hot water now — his girlfriend just found out he's seeing another woman. Joe遇上麻烦了—他女朋友刚刚发现他和另外一个女的约会。 Gee, this guy is really hot under the collar! 天哪,他真的很生气。 The issue of racial discrimination is still a political hot potato. 没错,种族歧视仍然是一个棘手的政治问题。 You still have the hots for him. Oh, don't deny it. I saw you. 你对他旧情未了,别狡辩,我都看见了。