

2017-07-14    13'25''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: 《lake and ocean》 You don't fight 你不抵抗 You don't sigh 你不哀叹 You don't listen back 你从不倾听 Even on the trail of love 即使在爱的轨道上 弱读:前三句中的t 表达:on the trail of 在。。的轨道上 连读:trail of You're all done 你戛然而止 We're not finished yet 我们方兴未艾 Seeing heights my heart bequeaths 眼见高地,我将我心遗赠后世 单词:bequeath [bɪ'kwiːð] 馈赠 You don't see 你看不到 You don't need 你不需要 You don't matter now 现在你无关紧要 Even on the trail of love 即使在爱的轨道上 You don't fall 你不跌落 You don't recognize 你不曾意识到 All the things I did for you 我为你做的所有 But I am over - the things you did to me 但是我放下了——那些你曾对我做过的事 It's uneasy but it's true - 这并不容易,却真实无疑 连读:it’s uneasy/but it’s/but I Didn’t I say? 难道我没有说过? Didn't I treat you right you're breaking me down? 难道我对你不够好,在你使我心碎的时候? Didn't I treat you right I'm breaking you down? 难道我对你不够好,我使你心碎? 表达:break someone down 是某人心碎 All and all you're just a lake inside my ocean 所有的所有,你仅仅是我海洋中的一片湖泊 All and all you're just for me 所有的所有,你仅仅只是为我 All and all you're just a lake inside my ocean 所有的所有,你仅仅是我海洋中的一片湖泊 Anyway I see. 无论我看到什么。