英语学习笔记:   ZOMBIE-ING 僵尸回归 想要重新

英语学习笔记: ZOMBIE-ING 僵尸回归 想要重新

2017-07-31    07'05''

主播: 早安英文

6449 145

英语学习笔记: ZOMBIE-ING 僵尸回归 想要重新走进ex-lover 的生活当中 innocuous text message 无意冒犯的消息 --------- The first type —- LAYBY. Layby' refers to someone who is in a relationship but looking to get out. 第一种类型-Layby. 路边停车. 就是那种对方已经和你谈恋爱,但是已经在想着分手. Those being pursued by a layby should be wary as he or she might well have a number of 'next' options lined up 。 要是被这种人追求,你可就要当心了,因为他很有可能同时追求很多人。 Slow fade include slower text responses, unanswered phone calls and an unwillingness to arrange future plans. 警示标志就是回信越来越短、打电话没人接,还有不愿规划将来。 It is the act where an ex-friend or partner simply disappears from a loved one's life by completely cutting off all contact without any warning or explanation. 这指的是伴侣直接完全消失,完全没有提醒也没有解释,就彻底切断了和你的一切联系。