还在用 healthy 形容身体?这些说法更地道!

还在用 healthy 形容身体?这些说法更地道!

2017-08-01    08'44''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: cardio [‘kɑ:rdɪoʊ] 有氧运动 carbs 碳水化合物,carbohydrates [kɑːbə'haɪdreɪts] 的简写 washboard ['wɑːʃbɔːrd] 洗衣板 tummy ['tʌmi] n. 肚子;胃 —————————————————— Depends on what you like to do I want to be healthy and strong when I get older. I also use clothes as motivation. 取决于你想怎么做,我呢,想变的更健康,更强壮,当我变老的时候。当然穿好看的衣服是运动的动力! When you have the most energy I assume. I like the morning but I always wake up early. Some people prefer lunch time or the evening. 当你最有精力的时候锻炼,我喜欢早上锻炼,我通常起的很早。有一些人更偏向于中午或者下午的时候。 Its something you have to resist though. After a while if you don't eat it you wont crave it. Your body may even reject it. (快餐)是你锻炼时候应该拒绝的食物,很长一段时间你不去吃,你就不会想吃,你的身体也会本能的开始拒绝这种食物。 Sit ups, crunches, jump rope, burpees. Just some basic stuff to get the heart rate going. 仰卧起坐,腹部训练,跳绳,立卧撑,一些比较基础的心率锻炼。