

2017-08-08    05'46''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: M:I was wondering if there are some foods we can eat as much of as we want and not gain weight. 我在想有没有一些东西吃多少都不会长胖? Z: Celery! You’ll get the most antioxidants out of celery if you eat it when it's fresh. But sadly its not the best tasting vegetable. 芹菜,如果你吃新鲜的芹菜,你会吸收很多的抗氧化剂。就是吃起来味道不咋滴。 ——— Z:I think almost all women worry about getting old but its becoming more accepted to be older in America. There are many older models who have older skin but still look beautiful. 我认为所有的女生都担心变老,但是现在在美国,大家越来越能接受变老这件事了。现在有很多年纪大的模特仍然看上去很美啊。 ———- Z:Cucumbers are often used as a way to fill the stomach without actually eating food that will make you gain weight. They contain only 16 calories per serving. Though u should probably eat everything if you want it for nutritious value including the skin. 黄瓜能填满你的胃,你就可以不吃一些其他让你发胖的食物了。每根黄瓜只有16卡路里。但是呢,你还是应该均衡营养,不仅是为了身体还是为了你的皮肤。 M: Yes,Most of a cucumber's nutritional value is in its skin and seeds. 黄瓜最有营养的地方还是黄瓜皮和种子。所以吃黄瓜最好还是不要削皮.