

2017-08-10    06'35''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: making or canceling an appointment 预约或取消约会 reschedule [,ri&`&skɛdʒul] vt. 重新安排 postpone [po&`&spon] v. 推迟 be punctual 要准时 ------------------ 「约时间」 Do you have any time available on Thursday? 你周四有空吗? Is Thursday better for you? I’d prefer Wednesday if possible. 能不能周三呢?如果可以的话,我觉得周三更好。 We have several rooms available for that weekend. 那个周末还有几间空房。 But when we say someone is available, that means he or she is not busy and has enough time. 但是我们说的谁谁谁 available,其实是说这个人有时间,不忙。 Do you have any time available on that day? 你那天有空吗? Are you available to meet later today? 今天晚一点有空见个面吗? I was wondering if you have any plans for tomorrow night. 我想知道你明天晚上有没有什么安排。 Sorry, Thursday doesn’t work for me. Can we meet on Wednesday? 抱歉,星期四晚不行,我们约周三可以吗? I’m free tomorrow. Does that work for you? 我明天有空,你可以吗? 「本来约好了,但是临时有事发生,想要取消。」 I was wondering if we could reschedule our appointment this afternoon. I have a bit of an emergency that I need to take care of. 我想说我们能不能重新安排我们今天下午的这个约会呢,因为我有点急事要处理。 Sorry. I’m so sick that I can’t make it to the meeting today. Can we postpone it to next week? 我病了今天开不了会,所以能不能推迟到下周。