

2017-08-17    06'21''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: Fire sign 火星星座 Earth sign 土象星座 Water sign 水象星座 Air sign 风向星座 Gemini [ˈdʒɛməˌnaɪ] n. 双子座 duplicitous [djuː'plɪsɪtəs] adj. 双重的 pin down 把…固定住 Libra ['li:brə] n. 天秤座 indecisive [ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv] adj. 优柔寡断犹豫不决 Aquarius [ə'kweriəs] n. 水瓶座 —————————————— They are hard to pin down, as they can't help but become attracted to the next person or thing that they come across. 他们不容易被束缚,总是会情难自制地被新的人和事吸引。 I like sometimes being alone, and sometimes being with people. Like,fifty-fifty… 有时候喜欢独处,有时候喜欢和人相处,对半开吧。 What I know about Libras is that they highly value equality and fairness and they always prefer keeping peace and try to avoid conflicts. 我所了解的天秤一般崇尚公平,捍卫和平,他们喜欢和平共处,避免冲突~ I think they also have two side: they are shy and quiet, but eccentric and energetic at the same time. 水瓶座有两面性:害羞安静,同时又古灵精怪充满活力。