

2017-11-14    07'53''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- Note: Cold air is coming. Most cities in China are expected to see a sharp decline in temperature. 冷空气来袭,预计中国大部分城市气温将出现骤降。 Many residents have wrapped themselves up with warm winter clothes. 很多人都穿上了暖和的冬装。 The temperature drop is projected to continue. Whether you wear long johns or not, health should be a top priority. 气温还将持续下降。不管你是否穿秋裤,健康都应该是头等大事。 Hot pot is the best choice to keep warm in this cold weather, gathering friends and family members in front of a steaming chafing dish. All the ingredients stewing in the pot are selected based on personal taste. 在这种寒冷的天气里,和朋友家人聚在热气腾腾的火锅前是保暖的最佳选择。你可以根据个人口味选择火锅中的所有食材。 The chief characteristic of Chongqing hot pot is a numbing, spicy flavor. If you have a cold, Chongqing hot pot is highly recommended to cure it. With its garlic and oil remedy, Chongqing hot pot could make you sweaty and clean your sinuses. 重庆火锅的主要特点是麻和辣。如果你感冒了,那么强烈建议用重庆火锅治感冒。在大蒜和红油的帮助下,重庆火锅可以帮你发汗,清洁你的鼻腔。