

2017-11-17    09'02''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- standing ovation n. 长时间起立鼓掌 ___________________________ It's come to my attention that many people, especially young Chinese, are starting to discover and enjoy watching plays and musicals! 我发现越来越多的人,尤其是年轻的中国人,已经开始越来越喜欢看戏剧和音乐剧了! Broadway theater district usually called just Broadway, is made up of 41 professional theaters located in the Broadway section of New York city! Broadway and London’s version - the West End, are considered the best theaters in the English speaking world! 百老汇歌剧院区通常就直接被称作为百老汇,位于美国的纽约,是由41家非常专业的剧院组成的。它和英国的伦敦西区一起,被认为是西方国家最棒的戏剧中心。 A play can be serious, funny, romantic or anything! It doesn’t involve the actors and actresses singing however. Musicals are just the same as plays in every way except they contain lots of songs and dancing. Which type would you prefer to watch? 戏剧有很多类型,可以是严肃正经的,可以是喜剧,或者浪漫的爱情剧等等。男女主角不会涉及演唱的环节。而音乐剧的不同之处就在于,它包含了很多演唱和舞蹈的部分。你更喜欢看哪种呢? “The Jersey Boys” tells the story of the formation, success and eventual break-up of the 1960s rock 'n roll group The Four Seasons. “泽西男孩”讲的大概是20世纪60年代非常有名的一个摇滚乐队,叫 The Four Seasons四季,他们的成立,成功以及最后解散的故事。