Kobe Works: 振振有词  初级 VOl.2

Kobe Works: 振振有词 初级 VOl.2

2016-09-01    11'14''

主播: kobeghy

203 13

关于剪发的一些基础词汇 Haircut [&`&heəkʌt] n. 理发;剪发 Janet gave Joe a haircut. Hair [heə] n. 头发 Jenny has black hair. Long [lɔŋ] adj.长的 Does your sister have long hair? Barber [&`&bɑːbə] n. 理发师 The barber can cut your hair. Hairdresser [&`&heədresə(r)] n. 美发师 My hairdresser cuts my hair. Hair salon [heə sə&`&lɑn] n. 发廊;美发沙龙 I go to that hair salong for a hair cut. Hairstyle [&`&heəstaɪl] n. 发型 You new hair style looks great. Curly [&`&kɜːlɪ] adj. 卷曲的 Peter has curly hair. Straight [stret] adj. 直的 The street is straight here. Handsome [&`&hænsəm] adj. 帅的 Girls are pretty. Boys are handsome. Scissors [&`&sɪzɚz]n. 剪刀 I cut the paper with scissors. Short [ʃɔrt] adj. 短的 These pants are too short. 歌曲选自 David Bowie------- "New Killer Star"