驻下复习 I like music (1)

驻下复习 I like music (1)

2016-11-13    08'14''

主播: kobeghy

80 6

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品制作出品 http://www.zhuxiaena.com I like music (1) Fill the gaps with the words below Song playlist classical jazz piano sing 1.__________ is his favorite kind of music. 2.Can you play the _________? 3.Do you know the name of the ____________? 4.There are 20 songs on this _______________. 5.I like this ___________ music piece. 6.Let’ s ____________ the song together. What kind of... do you like? What kind of music do you like? 你喜欢什么类型的女孩? _______________________________________ 你想居住在什么样的城市?______________________________________ 你想吃什么样的食物?__________________________________________ music with words Who wrote the words of the song? You have my word. / I give you my word. I don’t play and sing. do and do 不要一边吃饭一边说话___________________________________________________________ 不要一边开车一边打电话_________________________________________________________ 不要一边聊天一边玩手机_________________________________________________________ Grammar point What is it called? be called/ be done 被动 I kick the ball. The ball is kicked by me. I wash the car. The car is washed by me. 这台电视是我修好的_________________________________________________________ 这个衣柜是我买的___________________________________________________________ 这个工作是鲍勃完成的_______________________________________________________ 拓展词汇 Saxophone n.萨克斯风 Jason played the saxophone for the school band. ukulele n. 尤克里里 (一种乐器) I bought her a ukulele as a birthday gift.