驻下复习  I feel sick (2)

驻下复习 I feel sick (2)

2016-12-22    09'45''

主播: kobeghy

81 4

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品制作出品 I feel sick (2) Choose the vocabulary to fill the gaps below guest point sick recover New Year 1.There are 10 ____________ at the dinner party. 2.You’re right. That’s a good __________. 3.I sent Amy home.She feels _______ today. 4.Please sleep and_________ your health. 5.The ______ begins on January 1st. Grammar You will get better sooner, if you rest. ...will.... If..... first conditional clause 第一条件句 1. 如果你不穿毛衣,你会感冒的 _______________________________________________ 2. 我们要是回家晚了,妈妈会不高兴的 ___________________________________________ 3. 如果你不知道答案的话,你可以自己去百度 _________________________________________ 4. 如果你不爱她了,你要告诉她,并跟她分手 ____________________________________________ She made two good points. make a point/ points. 1. 这篇文章里有很多不错的观点 _______________________________________________ 2. 你的观点表述得很好 _____________________________________________________ 3. 你想表达什么?能不能说清楚点? _____________________________________________ 4. 好啦,好啦!我明白你的点了 _______________________________________________________ You need to rest and recover. recover from 1.衷心祝你早日恢复_________________________________________________ 2.他正从上次车祸的伤痛中逐渐恢复_____________________________________________ 3.它可以帮助你在电源故障下恢复信息___________________________________________ 4.那次事件后,他们的关系难以修复_____________________________________________ It is good of you to care about your work. It is __________ of somebody to do... ... 1.你能帮助他真的是太好了_____________________________________ 2.能解决这个问题,你真的是帮了大忙 ________________________________________ 3.你这么想可真是太自私了__________________________________________________ 4.敢这样去挑战他,你真的勇敢_____________________________________________ Question: What can we do for people who need help?
上一期: Face-2-face lesson 9
下一期: 驻下清晨 第44期