驻下复习  Find a new home

驻下复习 Find a new home

2017-01-09    11'08''

主播: kobeghy

83 5

本栏目有驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品制作出品 Finding a new home Fill the gaps with the vocabulary below abroad population blame danger immigrant 1.The city’s ____________ is small. 2.Mr. Davies is an ___________ from Canada. 3.That is a __________ we should avoid. 4.He has lived __________ for two years. 5.Don’t _________ your brother. Word Bank emigrate v. Would you emigrate if you had enough money? tax n. No one enjoyed paying tax. The difference between immigrate , emigrate , migrate. Nouns : immigration ,emigration and migration 1.He was born in Russia and he _________ to America in 1989. 2.More Chinese will ________ abroad because of the haze. 3.A lot of animals __________ to warmer place every year. 4.There are many __________ workers in Macao. Today, there are bout 224 million people living outside their home countries. there are... doing... 1.每年全世界都有数百万计的儿童死于饥饿______________________________________________________ 2.在派对中,正有人在舞台演奏小提琴__________________________________________________________ 3.有很多孩子在院子里到处跑来跑去_____________________________________________________________ 4.没有人在这边购物,这家店快要倒闭了__________________________________________________________ People have always moved from country to country. People have always ... ... 1.人们会在旅游时吃好多好吃的_________________________________________________ 2.人们都是会打个盹的___________________________________________________________ 3.现如今大家都是每天用微信的__________________________________________________ 4.小孩子总是问很多的问题____________________________________________________________ Some are running from dangers. run (away) from... 1.遇到困难时,你要么可以躲避,要么可以从中学习__________________________________________ 2.多数动物都会处于恐惧从老虎的粪便旁跑开____________________________________________________ 3.如果你一次次逃避问题,你将永远不会成功____________________________________________________ 4.他总是会找一堆的借口逃避工作_______________________________________________________________ More information Countries India United Arab Emirates The United Kingdom Canada Australia New Zealand The USA Nationalities