驻下复习 The Dream of flying

驻下复习 The Dream of flying

2017-01-18    10'22''

主播: kobeghy

165 6

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品 制作出品 The Dream of Flying Fill the gaps with the vocabulary below wing airline space airplane tourism flight 1.I want to fly an ______________. 2.The bird’s ________ is hurt. 3.That _____ has a lot of planes. 4.Look at the stars up in __________. 5.I took a ________ to Hong Kong. 6.__________ is very important in this city. But over time, it should become much cheaper. over time 1.红酒会随着时间变得越来越香,越来越好_________________________________________________ 2.时尚总是会随着时间而改变________________________________________________________ 3.该地区气候随着时间变化显著_____________________________________________________ 4.随着时间的变化,他变得越来越难以理解____________________________________________ Before there were airplanes, people dreamed of flying. dream of sth/ doing sth. 1.自从上次一别,他一直梦寐以求可再遇见她______________________________________________ 2.他总是梦想着能够突然暴富_____________________________________________________________ 3.她梦想着能吃遍世界美食___________________________________________________________ 4.很多人都梦想着能够跟马云共进晚餐______________________________________________ He is the youngest person to fly around the world. to do 作定语 1.他是最后一个完成此项任务的人_____________________________________________________ 2.珠海是举办此次赛事的最好城市_____________________________________________________ 3.这是在该市举办的最大的一个演唱会 ____________________________________________________ 4.他是登上珠峰的年纪最大的业余登山者___________________________________________________ Question Have you ever taken an airplane? Let’s hear some answers from some of our friends. Extra Information How to say these in English ?