驻下复习 Catch 500 (2)

驻下复习 Catch 500 (2)

2017-01-23    11'00''

主播: kobeghy

81 4

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品制作出品 Catch 500 (2) Choose the vocabulary to fill the gaps below careful bond hospital end up nephew 1.Be _____ when you run. 2.They always __________ at the store. 3.My doctor works at this ____________. 4.My ______ is my sister’s son. 5.We _______ over our love for dogs. You might end up in the hospital. end up... 1. 你再这样浪费时间,你将最终一无是处____________________________________________ 2. 他这样天天宅在家,很可能最后孤独一人 ___________________________________________ 3. 我的很多同学,最终都是做一样的工作 ___________________________________________ 4. 要是没人帮他,最后他就只能做乞丐了 ___________________________________________ The game is not only fun but also great for exercise. 1.他不仅住这,还住这______________________________________________ 2.他不但不承认,还撒了谎__________________________________________ 3.这个计划不仅节省时间,还能赚钱__________________________________ 4.这个歌手不仅会唱歌,也会演戏_____________________________________ It helps you bond with your nephew. bond with ... / bond n. / bond v. 1.这些经历在我们之间建立起了特殊的纽带关系____________________________________ 2.这个年轻妈妈不知如何跟孩子建立亲密关系____________________________________ 2.团队成员间应该建立亲密的关系_____________________________________________ 3.他每个月都会花钱买一些政府债券 ___________________________________________ How to be safe when playing a game like catch 500 or Pokemon GO? Question Many people use smart phones, but why do they call them smart phones?