驻下英语 Level 3/ Earth's Constant Companion

驻下英语 Level 3/ Earth's Constant Companion

2017-03-04    08'20''

主播: kobeghy

43 2

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品 背景音乐: Alison Krauss --- When you say nothing at all Earth’s constant companion Check your vocabulary by explaining the words in bold below in English. 1.The movie Armageddon is about an asteroid that threatens to destroy Earth. 2.In her drawings , Abigail depicts everyday life as magical. 3.The speeding car came close to colliding into the wall. 4.When you throw something up, gravity causes it to fall back down. Asteroids are often depicted as ominous space objects. omen n. Ominous : portending evil or harm. Significance of an omen. 1.她笑了又笑,然后突然不再说话。两人陷入一阵不详的寂静中________________________ 2.看着他在暴风雨中撑起那帐篷,我心里着实有一种不详之感____________________________ 3.在很多文化里,乌鸦都被看做是不吉祥的__________________________________________ Opposite of ominous is auspicious. 1.在这新春伊始,一切似乎都看上去吉祥如意_________________________________ 2.她主动破冰并请求他的帮助看上去是个吉祥的预兆____________________________ Depict 1. (Art Terms) to represent by or as by drawing, sculpture, painting, etc; delineate; portray 2. to represent in words; describe * Please paraphrase : If this portrait serves to depict his character, a sketch of this man's dress will bring it still further into relief. Earth’s gravity keeps asteroid 2016 HO3 in a stable orbit around our planet. 1.牛顿发现了万有引力定律并从此改变了现代科学的历史____________________________________ 2.月球的引力只有地球的六分之一___________________________________________________ 3.从这期的销售数据来看,我看出了公司状况的严重性___________________________________ Orbit n. The path of a celestial body or an artificial satellite as it revolves around another body due to their mutual gravitational attraction. 1.这颗卫星已经成功发射到了预定轨道_____________________________ 2.物理老师用模型来解释原子(atom)的轨道________________________________ Phrasal verb : collide with * Paraphrase: The aims of our negotiation will probably collide with the aims of theirs. Extra information : Question: Do you know the difference between upcoming and up and coming ?