驻下英语Level 2 / The bookstore 2

驻下英语Level 2 / The bookstore 2

2017-03-04    10'49''

主播: kobeghy

81 4

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品制作出品 背景音乐: Olly murs &Travie McCoy --- Wrapped up The bookstore 2 block novel author different generous 1.This book’s _________ is a great writer. 2.Alexandra’s house is four _________ away. 3.Simon is shy. He’s _________ from me. 4.Ted’s a good friend. He’s very _________. 5.I often read _________. I like stories. Susie buys Rob a book. buy someone something/buy something for someone 1.寄快递到朝鲜要额外收费____________________________________________ 2.你多给我钱,我就加班______________________________________________ 3.你要准备富足的时间来写作业_________________________________________ 4.我要买一件超大号的T恤____________________________________________ I enjoy reading his books. Enjoy doing 1.他每到冬天都会去滑雪______________________________________ 2.玛丽开了家店卖滑雪板______________________________________ 3.瑞士有很多的滑雪胜地_______________________________________ 4.琳达喜欢越野滑雪多于坡道滑雪__________________________________ He imagines talking animals, and he creates really different worlds. 1.______________________________________ 2.______________________________________ 3.______________________________________ 4.______________________________________ World bank imagine v. imagination n. imaginative adj. image n. Synonyms for author (people who write) : writer One who writes, especially as an occupation. novelist A writer of novels. composer One that composes, especially a person who composes music. penpusher A person who writes a lot, esp a clerk involved with boring paperwork Question: