驻下英语Level 3 / The wanted

驻下英语Level 3 / The wanted

2017-03-06    13'14''

主播: kobeghy

44 2

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品 制作出品 背景音乐:Ariana Grande Sean --- Best Mistake The wanted Explain the words in bold below 1.A piano and violin accompanied the singers. 2.Sometimes i find contemporary art to be confusing. 3.The popularity of cycling has grown over the past few years. 4.We marveled at the amazing night sky, which was lit up by thousands of stars. 5.Going to Hawaii with my sister was one of my most enjoyable and memorable vacations. 6.Eva made the sacrifice of moving back home to care for her sick mother. 7.The chorus sang in perfect harmony. 8.DeCarla did not hesitate in her pursuit of winning gold. Voices rise and blend together, creating beautiful music. n. preference 1.在广东,大多数人倾向饮茶多于咖啡_________________________________ 2.父母显露出对 某个孩子的偏爱,会让其他兄弟姊妹等很不悦_______________________________ 3.我们会给以已经签订合同的公司以优先考虑______________________________________ 4.我做一名老师是因为我更喜欢更人与知识打交道___________________________________ They can walk on for extended distances. n. extension 1.这辆车的延长保修只需要200美金____________________________________________ 2.他们会延长他们在野外探寻的任务________________________________________ 3.你可以在分机308上联系到我们的市场经理______________________________________ 4.我们需要一个排插才能同时用五台电脑_________________________________________ Most slackliners bounce and flip on a trickline. bounce 1.小时候,我爸爸喜欢把他放他腿上颠着玩_______________________________________ 2.一个人可以通过墙面反弹来练习网球____________________________________________ 3.他父母允许他做任何事,甚至在床上蹦_______________________________________ 4. 车在乡间的粗糙路上行驶,真的是颠来颠去的____________________________________ Use the key words we learn to fill the gaps. He took time out from campaigning to _________ his mother to dinner. The new agreement raised hopes for conditions of prosperity and _________. Annette's performance as Eliza Doolittle in "Pygmalion" was truly _________. The president's _________ nationally is at an all-time low. He is probably the most reviled man in _________ theatre. It was a _________ that the floor never gave way. She _________ family life to her career. Relentless in his _________ of quality, his technical ability was remarkable. More information Vocal adj. Of or relating to the production of sound through the mouth:a vocal defect. Stage presence Spontaneously Scrambled sentences The Wanted/ competes internationally/ and/ is a band/ a band/ a cappella/ that sings ____________________________________________________________________________ and create/ promote/ a cappella/ aims to/ the vocal band/ their own songs ____________________________________________________________________________