驻下英语Level 3/ King Kong Returns

驻下英语Level 3/ King Kong Returns

2017-03-11    14'54''

主播: kobeghy

55 2

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品制作出品 背景音乐: 莫文蔚---While my guitar gently weeps King Kong returns Explain the words below in English 1.One of the gorillas at our local zoo recently had a baby. 2.The creation of the printing press was a landmark in technology and education. 3.Makeup was used to make the actor appear much older in the movie. 4.The dinosaur looked real, but it had stiff, mechanical movements. 5.The kids became scared when they found a skull and others bones in the woods. 6.After the week-long mountain climbing trip, Marie was glad to return to civilization. 7.Dracula is a classic villain in literature. 8.The hour-long fireworks show ended with a big, colorful spectacle. 9.The movie’s mysterious previews brought many curious people to theaters. Key points When this idea was dropped as being too expensive, the ape became a stop-motion landmark. Paraphrase: 1.We dropped the matter before we got into an argument___________________________ 2.She ignored the legal advice to drop the case________________________________ In a few days’ time, a new story with everyone’s favorite giant ape will hit theaters. Paraphrase: 1.Our sales hit an all-time high last month___________________________ 2.She sends her best wishes — you've obviously made a hit there___________________________ Kong’s minor tales Paraphrase: 3.There are some minor changes in our proposal________________________________ 4.I'm minoring in computer science. ________________________________ Comprehension exercises: The faces of Kong In 1933, the original King Kong was meant to be ____________. In 1976 Kong’s unfortunate story was retold with ____________. When director Peter Jackson got his hands on Kong in 2005, Kong was ____________. Kong: Skull Island While some of the film’s plot may be familiar, Kong : Skull Island is not the ____________. Set in the 70’s, it will focus more on ______________. Scrambled sentences The movie character/has appeared/with the use of/King Kong/in many forms/makeup and robots/over the years/a huge gorilla ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Will bring/Kong: Skull Island/the giant ape/a large and talented cast/this year/back to theaters/along with ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Word bank Makeover n. An overall treatment to improve something or make something more attractive or appealing. Documentary n. Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film. Stop-motion adj. Stop-motion animation ↓ Scan to see what is the Stop-motion animation