驻下英语level2 / big storms (2)

驻下英语level2 / big storms (2)

2017-04-02    12'01''

主播: kobeghy

59 7

学英语到驻下 微信公众 @驻下英语美术 背景音乐: Avicii - Wake Me Up ( cover by J.Fla ) Big Storms 2 Fill the gaps with the words below warn speed branch flood deep typhoon 1.A bird sat on the tree branch _____________. 2.How ______________ is the water here? 3._________ are very bad storms. 4.Gus _________ everyone about the bad food. 5.The rain caused a _________ in the park. 6.What’s the _________ of the rain now? They don’t know how deep it is. *it’s different when you use how/what/whether/when...... 1.我不知道她去不去__________________________________ 2.她问候我是否还好________________________________ 3. 你根本不知道脑浆汉堡有多恶心__________________________________ 4. 我不明白我学了些什么____________________________________________ My sister told him ________ . A. what day was it B. when the train arrived C. who was she waiting D. where did you live Key word deep adj. / adv. 1. 没过多久,我们便聊得很起劲了_______________________________ 2. 爱能产生强烈的共鸣___________________________________ 3. 你内心深处和她是一样的____________________________________ 4. 白云生处有人家_______________________________________ *deep depth / long length / merry mirth / hale health Idioms 1.Deep down, she was still a rebel. 2.Bill got in deep water in algebra class. The class is too difficult for him, and he's almost failing. drizzle sprinkle soaked scattered rain breeze blow howl wuther Question What kinds of storms have you experienced before? What did you do?