驻下英语 level 2 / 生活:Family

驻下英语 level 2 / 生活:Family

2017-04-03    13'10''

主播: kobeghy

59 5

学英语 到驻下 背景音乐: OneRepublic - Counting Stars Family Fill the gaps with the words below parent aunt cousin grandma uncle twin niece loud strange nephew 1.My ________ are my mom and dad. 2.Jeff’s _______ is visiting. She is his father’s mother. 3.Sara’s mother’s sister is her _________. 4.Aunt Cindy’s two children are my _________. 5.Did you hear that ________ noise ? What was it ? 6.The music is really ______. I can’t hear you. 7.Sharon’s brother doesn’t have any boys. Sharon has no __________. 8.Those two boys look the same. They must be _________. Questions about family 1.Do you come from a large family or small family? How many people are there in your family and what relation are they to you? 2.Who are your favorite relatives? And why ? 3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an only child? 4.How important is it for families to have regular get-togethers? Do you enjoy family get-togethers? 5.On what occasions does your family get together ? How important is it for families to celebrate certain occasions ? (Such as wedding, birthdays, Christmas etc.) 6.How important is it to see your parents or relatives regularly after leaving home ? 7.What are the advantages and disadvantages or having a twin? Do you want to have a twin, why or why not? 8.Who do you look like in your family? Who do you take after the most? 9.Is divorce permitted in your culture? How much does a divorce affect different members in the family? 10.What difficulties do you think single parent face? 11.In your opinion, what are the most difficult things parents have to do? 12.What are the worst mistakes parents can make ? 13.Is it acceptable to smack a child ? Why or why not? 14.Should grown-ups be responsible for taking care of the elder parents? Why or why not ? Idioms that you can use to talk about family 1. Are you named after another member of your family? Were you given your name because an older member of the family has/had the same name? Do any specific names run in your family? 2. Are you the spitting image of another member of your family? Do you look almost exactly the same as another member of your family? If so, who? 3. Are you the black sheep of your family? Are you the one member of your family who is different to all the others? If not, who is? 4. Do you often fall out with members of your family? Do you argue of fight with members of your family? If so, who? 5. Do you want to follow in your parents’ footsteps? Do you want to do the same job as your parents? Why? Why not? 6. They say that blood is thicker than water. Do you agree? Do you think that family is the most important thing? 7. Do any specific names/characteristics run in your family? Are there any specific names/characteristics that are passed down from generation to generation? 8. Are you and any member of your family like chalk and cheese? Are you and any member of your family completely different? 9. Are you and any member of your family like two peas in a pod? Are you and any member of your family exactly the same in looks and personality? 10. Who is the main breadwinner in your house? Who brings home the bacon? Who supports the family financially? 11. Who do you get on like a house on fire with in your family? Who do you have a fantastic relationship with? 12. Who do you take after in your family? Which parent have you inherited the most characteristics from?