白云,大地,从前的你 《Song》 诗歌|拉法埃尔•阿尔维蒂 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Song Today, the clouds brought me, in flight, the map of Spain. How small over the river, How vast over the meadow. The shadow that it cast! 今天,云彩带着我遨游在西班牙的土地上。 我的身影在河流之上显得那么渺小, 在牧场上却又显得那么巨大! It was full of horses the shadow that it cast. I on horseback, for its shade, Sought my village and my home. 无数骏马在我影子里穿梭。 影子乘在马背上, 去寻找我的村庄和家园。 I went into the yard that once was a fount of water. Though it was not a fount, the fount sounded forever. And water that did not flow returned to grant me water. 我走进旧时院落,那里曾有一汪泉水。 尽管已不见旧日风光,那泉却依然潺潺流动。 这已不再叮咚流淌的泉仍赐予我清水。