爱情,在小提琴的相思里 《Love》 诗歌|安娜•艾哈迈托娃 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love Tightly coiled, like a snake it sits in my very heart, Weaving spells or murmurs for days on end Like a dove on my white window sill. 像紧紧盘踞在我心中的小蛇, 亦或是那伫立在我白色窗前咕咕叫个不停的鸽子。 In the sparkle of hoarfrost a gleam, In the carnation’s slumber a hint, And secretly, surely it leads from all joy and peace of mind. 时而闪现在耀眼的白霜里, 时而在康乃馨的睡梦中藏有暗示, 它总是坚定又隐秘地引导你,远离所有欢乐和安宁。 It can sob so seductively, Sigh in the violin’s yearning prayer. And, it happens, a stranger’s smile fills me with a sudden fear. 它哭泣地如此动人, 它在小提琴哀怨的祈祷中叹息。 而当爱情发生时,一个陌生人的微笑竟让我如此颤栗。
上一期: A Patio 庭院
下一期: In Autumn 在秋日里