

2019-12-25    01'30''

主播: Kim🐈🌱

345 3

【参考原文】 Early the next morning, Abanazar arrived at Aladdin’s house and then he and Aladdin walked to the market. First of all we must look at coats. Abanazar said. 第二天一早,阿巴那扎尔就来到阿拉丁的家里,带着阿拉丁去了市场。首先我们必须帮你挑选衣服。阿巴那扎尔说。 Soon Aladdin had an expensive new coat and he felt very happy. Then Abanazar and Aladdin walked through the market and looked at the shops. 很快阿拉丁就有了一件崭新的、价格不菲的外套,他非常高兴。然后他们就开始逛市场,看了很多家商店。 They drank coffee, talked to people, and had a very good dinner. It was a wonderful day for Aladdin. 他们喝了咖啡,和人们聊天,还吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐。对阿拉丁来说这真是美好的一天。 On Friday, when the market was closed, Abanazar took Aladdin to the beautiful gardens in the city. They walked under the trees and talked about a shop for Aladdin. 星期五市场关门以后,阿巴那扎尔带着阿拉丁去了城里那座美丽的公园。他们在树下散步,讨论着为阿拉丁开店铺的事。 You are very good to me, Uncle, Aladdin said. Abanazar smiled, but of course, he said, you are my brother’s son. 你对我真是太好了,叔叔。阿拉丁说道。阿巴那扎尔露出了微笑。那当然,他说,你是我兄弟的儿子。 【小知识点】 1.arrive at 到达 2.walk to... 步行去... 3.of course 当然 4.drink coffee 喝咖啡 5.a wonderful day 美好的一天