V.Review of Unit 3

V.Review of Unit 3

2016-10-16    00'55''

主播: 福州新星教育

380 21

1、Could you(please)+动词原形?你能做某事吗?是礼貌问句,答句不能用Yes,I could(can).No,I can’t等。答句常用:Sure/Ok/All right/No problem/Sorry,I can’t等礼貌用语。 May I +动词原形?我能做某事吗?也是礼貌问句,答句也常用:Sure/Ok/All right/No problem /Sorry,you can’t等礼貌用语。 2、help sb. ( to ) +动词原形== help sb with sth 帮助某 人做某事 注意:sb 用代词时必须用宾格。例: 你能帮我学英语吗?Could you help me (to) study my English?=Could you help me with my English? 3、live in +地点 住在某地; live with +人 和某人住在一起 4、What does he say in the letter?他在信里说了什么? What does he say on the photo? 他在电话里说什么? 5、a lot = very much 放在句末,很,非常 例: I like the boy a lot/ very much. not……at all 一点也不……,not要放在be动词、情态动词或do/does的后面。 例:I like the boy a lot(改否定句):I don’t like the boy at all. 6、each other 相互,彼此,要放在动词后。 例:Students often help each other in class. (相互帮助 ) 7、tell sb sth=tell sth to sb 告诉某人某事 。如: Please tell me your name=please tell your name to me. 8、 No problem 没问题,表示同意=All right/OK/Sure. 9、speak,say,tell的用法比较 Speak的用法:①speak + 语言,说某种语言,如:speak English说英语 speak Chinese 说中文 ②speak to +某人 和某人说话 如:I want to speak to Mr Lee.我想和李老师说说话。 Say的用法:say后跟说的内容。如: say hello to sb.向某人问好; say goodbye to sb.向某人告别 Jim says:“I like my pet dog.” I say to my mother:“Let me help you cook.” Tell的用法:tell 常用于表示告诉某人某事。 Please tell your mom about it. 10、the Great Wall 长城 11、①come/go to + 地点 来/去某地, 但home、 here、 there这些是副词,前面不能加to. 例: go home回家;come here来这里;go there去那里 ②go for +事情 例:go for a picnic 去野餐 ③go + 动词ing 例:go fishing 去钓鱼; go shopping去购物 ④go to +动词原形 去做某事 例:They all go to look after him.他们都去照看他 12、like + 动词ing 喜欢做某事 like to +动词原形 想要做某事 13、think of 认为,think about 考虑 ; I think +句子 我认为…… I think he you are right. 否定句常否定think。 例:I don’t think he can come. 我认为他不会来了.(不能说:I think he can’t come) 14、a little 一点①放在句尾②放在不可数名词前。如: She likes milk a little.她有点喜欢牛奶。 She often drinks a little milk.她经常喝一点牛奶。 15、at home 在家; at school 在学校,在上学 16、have a seat / take a seat / sit down 请坐下 17、cook 厨师 cooker炊具 18、in a school 在学校;in a hospital在医院; in an office在办公室;但是: on a farm 在农场上; on the sofa 在沙发上 19、a photo of one’s family 某人的全家照 family tree 家谱 20、in a hospital 在医院里(只表示地点) in hospital 住院(因病) 例: He is ill in hospital. 他生病住院 He is in a hospital.他在医院里 (不一定是因为生病来到医院) 21、look after sb照顾某人 22、teach sb sth = teach sth to sb 教某人某东西 Michael teaches me English.(不用my) 21、help yourself to sth. 请随便吃…(招呼一个人) help yourselves to sth请随便吃…(招呼多人) 22、I’d like = I would like 我想要…… 24、Would like + to +动词原形 = want + to +动词原形 想要做某事 25、something to eat 一些吃的东西=food食品 something to drink一些喝的东西=drink饮料 26、Here you are . 给你 Here we are. 我们到了 27、come in 请进 go out 出去 28、all right =OK 好的 29、 a cup of tea 一杯茶 two cups of tea 两杯茶 30、 milk for me 我要牛奶 31、 Why not +动词原形? = Why don’t you +动词原形? 为什么不做某事呢? What /How about +动词ing ? …怎么样?…好不好? 32、Good idea 好主意 33、wait a moment = just a moment 等一下,请稍侯 wait for sb 等待某人 34、May I take your order ? 可以点菜了吗?你要点什么?(餐馆用语) Can I help you ?= May I help you ?= What can I do for you ? 需要点什么帮忙吗?(服务员用语) 35、eat out 出去吃饭,下馆子 36、have… for breakfast 早饭吃… 37、have dinner吃正餐 Have breakfast 吃早餐 Have lunch吃午餐 Have supper 吃晚餐 38、 a kind of… 一种…;…all kinds of 各种各样的… 39、be kind to sb 对某人友好=be friendly to sb 例: Miss Gao is kind to her students. 高老师对她的学生很友好。 40、such as 例如 例: I like fruits, such as oranges,bananas and apples 41、be glad + to +动词原形 很高兴地做某事 例: I am glad to meet you, I am glad to be here. 42、What do/does + 某人+ do ? == What +be+ 某人? == What’s one’s job ? 回答:某人+ be + 职业. 例如: What does your father do? = What is your father? = What’s your father’s job? 回答:He is a teacher.