Language - Scott Matthew

Language - Scott Matthew

2019-02-09    02'52''

主播: 廖之言

201 2

Memories of secret handshakes, you, 记忆里,你我比划着秘密的手势, It speak my language, 说尽我万千言语, Sees, I cease to believe, 看,我不再相信, You're gonna leave. 你即将要离开了, And acting out a fight, 上演着一场争执, When you're not around, 当你不在身旁的时候, With ease, I cease to exist, 我的存在随之停止, I slip through the leaves, 我从落叶旁悄然经过, We once had to wish, 我们曾经的渴望, Oh we wished for, 噢,我们曾经渴望着, Heaven, It now only seems, 那一方天堂,而如今, Like torture, 它更像是折磨, Oh this ghost, 噢,这幽魂, Will win my host it's, lingering, 将会带走我心的主宰, In me, and around my neck, 徘徊不去,纠缠不散, It taps on my head, 它轻轻拍着我的头, While i'm asleep, 在我沉睡的时候, Memories of secret handshakes, you, 记忆里,你我比划着秘密的手势, it speak my language, 说尽我万千言语, Sees, that cease to believe, 看,我不再相信, You're gonna leave, 你即将要离开了。 斯科特·马修 *Scott Matthew* *Scott Matthew*